Thursday, April 1, 2010


There are times when everything u touch seems to turn into gold. there are times when everything seems to be going bad for you, however hard u try. And then there are times when everything seems to be going well until fate decides to step in. And then everything goes topsy turvy. if you still havent guessed it, that's exactly what happened to me today.

Until today afternoon, i seemed to be on top of the world. With life happily going in cruise mood, there seemed to be no stoping me. And then fate decided to step in. The guy at the COE office refused to accept my exam form and the one guy whom i had so much faith in to bail me out ditched me. and then i realised it was part of SRM protocol to make people burn their asses off before eventually giving them the hall tickets. :P

anyways, the two hours that followed seemed to be one of the slowest and hardest moments of my life as i witnessed betrayal, my friends whom i believed so much to give me company having already signed the dreaded form that assured them of their hall ticket. (that's friendship btw, u always look for company, even if u are in the worst of situations ;D)

Me being a big fan of Paulo Coelho's ALCHEMIST, started looking around for omens that could possibly bail me out of the deep shit i was in. And then it happened. i dont really want to get too much into details coz it would definitely be embarrassing. so we'll just leave it there. anyways the omens seemed to suggest everything would work out well. so i just left it there.

Remember how everyone says life is a cycle and what goes down must definitely come up. i sure believe in it but i definitely wasn't expecting my life to take such a huge U-turn so quickly. that single phone call i had been expecting for so long finally happened tonite. having searched frantically for quite a few days, i decided to keep it aside for some time. my wise old friend(not exactly old, but i like the phrase ;D)said" don't worry karthik, it'll happen when you least expect it to." and it happened!! :S :D

It feels great when old contacts are renewed. when you meet your childhood friends, you get flooded with sweet memories and in that moment of happiness, you tend to forget the world around you. its the same here, my head feels light and everything seems to be falling into place, in short, am on cloud nine. hoping for things to continue in this manner.

will keep you guys posted. until then, ADIOS!!!!! :)


  1. who's dat wise old frnd karthik ;)
    forget d world around u, feels light, cloud nine ;) oh my god wats happenin :P

  2. thats exactly what even i was about to ask...? who is that so called "SPECIAL PERSON, OLD CONTACT" who took this karthik to alice's wonderland....after reading this i can defenitly understand that certainly your life is taking lots of U turns..

  3. dai adangu da.. nothing like wat u are thinking.. its jus that old contacts were renewed and i was so happy.. nothing apart from that.. nalla irukura friendship la nadula vandhu kummi adichutu poidaadha.. :P :D
