Thursday, August 5, 2010


I know it might sound cliched now that i've told this so many times, but i've always wondered "why does it always have to be me? why do people always find it so easy and so amusing to pull me down, why is it that is always me who's being targeted, why is it that its always me who becomes the scape goat." and believe me, it has bothered me quite a lot. but i read this fwd msg some time back that inspired me so much that i thought it would be wrong if i didnt share it with u.

here's how it goes:

When everything seems to be going against you, rememeber,
the airplane takes off against the wind and not with it.

and then i realised that smooth roads never make good drivers, a problem free life never makes a strong person. i realised that day that never say "why me?" instead say "try me"

as i sign off, bidding adios in this post, i'd like my followers to know that though there have been times when i've been bothered by my critics, i've always done my best to rise over them, to make them eat their own words. and knowing me and my critics, i guess this game will go on. ;D

until next time,

Adios. :)

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