If you've been reading any of my previous posts, you'd by now be knowing how much i hate this place-the traffic, the pollution and the people's total lack of basic sense(people here have the least concern for their neighbours, its always about them and them alone)
I could keep going on and on about how much i hate sowcarpet, but people would find it hard to believe, considering how popular sowcarpet is.
But i've got proof!!!
finally!!Here's a photo that was taken very recently near my house- an example of how people park their vehicles here.
That bike remained parked there for the next 30 minutes. if this is the case with lesser crowded streets, imagine how it would be along mint street or N.S.C.Bose road. People would just start parking their bikes parallel to this guy's bike and consequently, the width of the already small lane decreases even more. then why wouldn't you have traffic jams. :@
.There's no point in complaining about traffic when you are the ones creating it.
c'mon people, grow up. learn to respect the world around you
And i'll definitely be back with more startlingly disturbing pics of sowcarpet.
until next time,