Like I’ve maintained all along, 2011 has been a mixed year for me. So many moments, so many emotions- happiness, pain, dejection, love, support, motivation and friendship, I’ve truly been on both sides of the spectrum this 2011.
Life until now hasn’t really been easy for me, but the friends I’ve made over the years and the experience I’ve gained from my failures have only made me stronger. My friends who’ve been with me throughout, thank you guys, if I am still sane( well, am i? :P) it is definitely because of you. As for those who demotivated me and/or tried to pull me down, thank you even more. It is because of you all that I put in that extra bit of effort every day.
A special thanks also to this year’s bunch of juniors. Every single one of you. You people have been amazing. :)
So yes, never before have I ended a year with such a vibrant smile on my face. Let’s just hope 2012 brings in more joy, not only for me but to every single one of you reading this post.
I’ll sign off with this short story I found out on the internet.
The Story of the Butterfly
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.
One day a small opening appeared.
He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours
as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.
Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly.
He took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.
The butterfly emerged easily but
it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch it,
expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge
and expand enough to support the body,
Neither happened!
In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life
crawling around.
It was never able to fly.
What the man in his kindness
and haste did not understand:
The restricting cocoon and the struggle
required by the butterfly to get through the opening
was a way of forcing the fluid from the body
into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.
Sometimes struggles are exactly
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
So next time you fail in something (@ezhil arasan, I am NOT referring to failing in an exam btw :P) remember about the butterfly. Struggles are what make us fly higher.
Have a wonderful 2012 everyone.
Until next time,